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Mastering The Lasso Guard by Marcos Tinoco

Marcos Tinoco is a Marcelo Garcia Black Belt and a Multiple Time Worlds Medalist at the Adult Black Belt IBJJF level

  • Marcos is here to simplify the lasso guard
  • Frustrate and destroy all of your competition
  • Simplify and slow down the game by utilizing the Lasso Guard system Marcos uses against the best
  • Hold back even the most explosive grapplers
  • Learn from the best modern day lasso guard player

Mastering The Lasso Guard by Marcos Tinoco

  • Sale
  • $33.50
  • Regular price $67.00

Marcos Tinoco is a Marcelo Garcia Black Belt and a Multiple Time Worlds Medalist at the Adult Black Belt IBJJF level

  • Marcos is here to simplify the lasso guard
  • Frustrate and destroy all of your competition
  • Simplify and slow down the game by utilizing the Lasso Guard system Marcos uses against the best
  • Hold back even the most explosive grapplers
  • Learn from the best modern day lasso guard player

The Complete Lasso Guard System – From The Best Lasso Guard Player On Earth.  3x World Medalist Marcos Tinoco Shows You How To Never Have Your Guard Passed & How To Create Instant Offense

The Lasso Is The Toughest Guard In The Gi To Pass- You Need To Learn This

What Will You Learn?

Marcos Tinoco is a true veteran of the sport, and he’s one of the black belts who makes today’s competition scene so dynamic and exciting. He’s always involved in action-packed fights against some of the toughest names, and more often than not he’s the one winning these world class matches.

This Marcelo Garcia black belt has serious skill in every position! Top, bottom, standing, he’s always attacking and trying to bring the fight to his opponent with solid technique and a champion’s attitude.

A look at his results reads like a “who’s who” of the modern BJJ landscape, with signature wins over Lucas “Hulk” Barbosa, Paulo Miyao, Murilo Santana, Otavio Sousa, DJ Jackson, and the list goes on! The Alliance representative has the high level hardware to back it up, with accomplishments at every level, including IBJJF World black belt silver and bronze medals, scores of IBJJF regional championships, and strong showings at every tournament you can name.

What’s his secret? The MGA fighter is always able to bring the fight to positions he is strongest in, and his bulletproof lasso guard has brought him tons of success. Now, this world class lasso guard is yours for the taking because Marcos is partnering with BJJ Fanatics to show you how you too can master this important position. See all the sweeps and submissions that have turned Marcos into a fierce competitor with this three-volume set. This is one of the most comprehensive lasso guard instructional sets you will find anywhere! Marcos has a real talent for teaching, and you will work through every detail, leaving no stone unturned, as you dive deeper and deeper into studying the lasso.

So what makes the lasso guard so great? It’s a great position for the bottom person because you can use your leg to hook inside of your opponent, letting you control their posture, distance, and angles of attack all at the same time. You force them to fight on your terms, and that keeps you in control of the action. At every tournament, fighters are using the lasso to control and win, and now you can join in by learning from one of the best in the game today. Tinoco’s sweeps and submissions are some of the cleanest technique on the scene, and he shows everything across these three volumes.

So What Does It All Cost? 
