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Connected Reaction: Half Guard by Paul Schreiner

Master one of the best scoring positions from the bottom, Half Guard, from one of the most technical instructors in grappling!

  • Half Guard is a cornerstone of efficient Jiu-Jitsu, Guard work, and Defense.
  • Use multiple variations of the Leite half guard to constantly threaten your opponent.
  • Constant attacks and reactions will open up the opportunity to secure submissions.
  • Shreiner’s Jedi Mind Trick will give you a surefire strategy to secure the back.

Connected Reaction: Half Guard by Paul Schreiner

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  • Regular price $97.00

Master one of the best scoring positions from the bottom, Half Guard, from one of the most technical instructors in grappling!

  • Half Guard is a cornerstone of efficient Jiu-Jitsu, Guard work, and Defense.
  • Use multiple variations of the Leite half guard to constantly threaten your opponent.
  • Constant attacks and reactions will open up the opportunity to secure submissions.
  • Shreiner’s Jedi Mind Trick will give you a surefire strategy to secure the back.

Connect Half Guard fundamentals with modern concepts like inversions, back takes, and submission with longtime Marcelo Garcia Academy instructor Paul Schreiner!

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What Will You Learn?

The Half Guard is one of the most versatile positions in all of Jiu-Jitsu! Paul Schreiner, BJJ black belt since 2007, looks to connect ALL ASPECTS of Half Guard in a way that keeps you safe, while offering ample amounts of attacks from the bottom! Keep your opponent at bay with strong structures and frames, while slowly luring them into your traps.

The overhook plays a vital role in ANY Half Guard game. Passing the Half Guard almost requires an underhook, so there is a good chance that even the best Half Guard player is going to have to defend it. With Connected Reaction Half Guard,Shreiner teaches you how to turn the tables on your opponent with a complete system of attack based off of the overhook, including his “forcing the hook 2.5” tactics!

Another major aspect that Paul shines his expertise on is utilizing the underhook from half guard. While there are plenty of options of attack, Shreiner looks to give you the upperhand consistently from half guard by using the underhook. If you are successfully securing and attacking with the underhook, your opponent cannot use it against you.

By mastering both the overhook and underhook from half guard you forces your opponent into unfamiliar territory. This causes some unusual reactions that are easily exploited, and can lead to advantageous situations like back takes. This is where Paul goes DEEP on his unique variation of the Jedi Mind Trick!

Connected Reaction Half Guard puts you in control from the bottom. Stifle the passer, and utilize a variety of attacks to sweep, take the back, or even secure a submission!

Shin Whizzer

So, What Exactly Is On This Series?

Part 1:

  • Intro
  • Half Guard Overhook (Defense) 
  • Overhook half guard overview 
  • Recovery and Sweep Sequence 
  • Forcing the Hook 2.5 
  • Static John Wayne 
  • Static John Wayne to Far Side Bridge 
  • Active John Wayne 
  • Breaking late stage underhook and head control 
  • Breaking Late Stage part 2 
  • Underhook Overhook Pass Defense 
  • Underhook Half Butterfly 

Part 2:

  • John Wayne 
  • Gordo Armlock 
  • Half Guard Underhook (Offense) 
  • Underhooks 
  • High Underhook 
  • Elbow First Underhook
  • Winning Position 
  • Sweep 1 
  • Knee Shelf Single Finish 
  • Limp Arm 
  • Fingers on the Face 
  • Beating Whizzer with Body Lock 
  • Shin Whizzer 
  • Whizzer Trap Roll 

Part 3:

  • Leg Bundle
  • Jedi Mind Trick (JMT) Basic 
  • Jedi Mind Trick vs Backstep with knee free 
  • Jedi Mind Trick Forced 
  • Finishing the Leg Drag from Jedi Mind Trick 
  • JMT Leg Drag option Beating post 
  • Kaiborg Stiff Arm 
  • Defending Foot Pummel Backstep
  • Losing the foot from half
  • Kaiborg Switch

Part 4:

  • Backstep Bolo 
  • Backstep hook sweep 
  • RDL Half 
  • RDL Control 
  • Defending Dynamic Knee Cut 
  • RDL Tilt Sweep
  • RDL Elevation to Half Guard 
  • RDL Tilt to Arm Post 
  • Leg Hug Spiral
  • Maze Guard 
  • Lapel Pass RDL 

Gordo Armlock

So, What Does It All Cost?
