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Back Attacks Enter The System by John Danaher

Learn The Best Back Attack System In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today

  • John Danaher is the most sought after instructor in the world today
  • Learn the same secrets that world class athletes like Gordon Ryan, George St. Pierre, and the rest of DDS use to choke everyone
  • Learn the system that has the highest finishing rate in EBI overtime history
  • Transform your back attack system by discovering the secrets that have changed the Jiu Jitsu game
  • This is an easy to learn system broken down into a curriculum for all levels and there is over 8.5 hours of content

Back Attacks Enter The System by John Danaher

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  • $78.50
  • Regular price $157.00

Learn The Best Back Attack System In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Today

  • John Danaher is the most sought after instructor in the world today
  • Learn the same secrets that world class athletes like Gordon Ryan, George St. Pierre, and the rest of DDS use to choke everyone
  • Learn the system that has the highest finishing rate in EBI overtime history
  • Transform your back attack system by discovering the secrets that have changed the Jiu Jitsu game
  • This is an easy to learn system broken down into a curriculum for all levels and there is over 8.5 hours of content

John Danaher Reveals Every Detail Of His Back Attack System That Has The Highest Finishing Rate In EBI Overtime History By A Landslide

Death, Taxes & John Danaher’s Back Attack System... these may be the only 3 certainties in life. When John’s guys get the back they almost always finish. In the UFC, the ADCC, The EBI & Tournaments All Around The World: This System Has Succeeded Far Beyond Any Other

What Will You Learn? 

One Irony is that the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu point system was created so that pins are awarded points in ascending value - Back Mount is largely considered the best position, yet if you go to a class anywhere in America and the class does back drills you’ll see a bunch of students flailing around on the floor and no one is choking anyone - John incredulously refers to this situation as “A Complete Disaster..”.

The problem? No one has any advantage - the guy starts on the back and he’s trying to choke the guy with one of his two hands and the guy he’s fighting is blocking - with his 2 hands - and nothing gets done... all of John’s systems are based on the same principle that you should look to have an advantage and exploit that advantage til the end.

John doesn’t ever fight on equal terms... when he or his guys get the back - they fall to one side and they capture an arm - and they win.. almost every time..

By focusing on the same principles that created one of the most feared submission systems ever, John feels he has perfected and revolutionized the way his athletes can attack from the back. His athletes move from attack to attack, constantly creating more and more advantages for themselves, until they are getting the tap.

The DDS guys keep racking up choke victories against some of the best in the world. John’s athletes have tapped out champions like Yuri Simoes, Romulo Barral, Vagner Rocha, AJ Agazarm, and Luiz Panza, all from the back! Results don’t lie!

It’s one thing to hit these moves in the gym, or against unproven competitors, but these are systems that even the best fall into. Look no further than to when two ADCC gold medalists fought! Yuri Simoes fought Danaher pupil Gordon Ryan in a superfight, and even then, it ended with Gordon taking the back, isolating and trapping Yuri, fencing away all his defenses, and sinking in the choke for the win. This is not an isolated event, either! Gordon did the same thing to Romulo Barral in Abu Dhabi (as he marched to a gold medal finish), choking out the world champion in a matter of minutes from the back. It’s not just Gordon either!

Even after years away from the sport, when Georges St. Pierre returned to the UFC in 2017, it was with the John Danaher Back Attack System that he sunk in his championship-winning rear naked choke. This system has been tested against the best in the world and it has passed with flying colors!

The choke from the back is nearly synonymous with submission grappling. It’s a dominant and safe technique that can work against any opponent if done right. Even still, most don’t spend much time practicing it, and even fewer spend the time to really innovate around it. John has done that to great success, and now he’s here to share those details with you!

The scenario has played out in submission only competitions so many times you can see it coming a mile away: A Danaher-trained athlete goes through the full regulation fight without a submission, and it’s their turn to pick if they’ll attack from the mount or the back. What happens next? They always choose the back and then they finish at an over 80% rate! To be tapping people that often from any position is jaw-dropping!

After this Video Series, there will be no more letting people slip away, no more getting frustrated trying to pry under the chin, and no more having to sit and wait for a mistake. You’ll learn all the strategies and techniques you need to become a submission ace from the back too. Are you ready to enter the system?

If you’re looking for a series to always have an advantage and be able to get to and finish efficiently and easily - even against black belts - then you need to see this

What Exactly Do You Get?

Volume 1:


  • The Back as Ultimate Position
  • Limitations of Straitjacket System

Straitjacket System

  • Introduction
  • General Reflections on the Back


  • Left/Right Control
  • Strangle Hand/Control Hand Dichotomy
  • Fundamental Insight of Offense and Defense on the Back: The Headtrap
  • Alignment and Deficit Problem

Solving Alignment Problem

  • Understanding
  • Protecting the Bottom Hook
  • Through Movement
  • Through Movement 2
  • Switching Arms
  • Solving the Deficit Problem
  • Solving the Pin Armed Problem

Volume 2:

10 Critical Principles

  • Neutrality Principle
  • Primacy Principle
  • Percentage Principle
  • Top Position
  • Hidden Hand Principle
  • Specific Grips Principle
  • Default Principle
  • Hierarchy Principle
  • Concentration/Diffusion Principle
  • Closed Wedges Principle

Volume 3:

Working of Straitjacket System

  • Underarm Side
  • Double Strait Direct Grip
  • Single Cross Grip
  • Double Cross/Indirect Grip
  • Double Cross/Direct Grips
  • Neck Penetration System
  • New Theory of Strangling Mechanics

Volume 4:

Working of Straitjacket System 2

  • One Handed Strangle
  • Technical Notes on Rear Naked Strangle
  • Mandible Strangles
  • Intro Overarm Side
  • Overarm Side/Wedging Method
  • Overarm Side/Side Switching Method
  • Conclusion

Volume 5:

Auxiliary Systems

  • Introduction

Rear Triangle System

  • Diversifying Attacks
  • Troubleshooting
  • Reverse Top Lock System

Cross Body Ride

  • Leg Attacks

Volume 6:

Auxiliary Systems 2: Cross Body Ride

  • Leg Attacks 2
  • Arm Attack/Hammer Lock
  • Transition

Back Crucifix

  • Strangles
  • Arm Locks

Volume 7:

Establishing Hooks and Rear Mounts

  • Introduction
  • Focus Points
  • Foot and Knee Entries
  • Near Side Entries 1
  • Near Side Entries 2
  • Near Side Entries 3

Volume 8:

Establishing Hooks and Rear Mounts

  • Near Side Entries 4
  • Near Side Entries 5
  • Rolling Entries 1
  • Rolling Entries 2
  • Rear Point Position
  • Conclusion

So What Does It Cost?
