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Systematically Attacking From Open Guard Supine Position by Gordon Ryan

Learn How Gordon “The King” Ryan Systematically Dominates The Best Grapplers In The World With Some Of Grappling’s Most Common and Effective Open Guards

  • Systematically attack from your back with this open guard gameplan from Gordon “The King” Ryan, with sweeps, back takes, and leg locks that work at the highest levels of grappling
  • Keep opponent’s off-balance as you learn all of the ways to create kuzushi and pressure from your back
  • Attack from all the possible x guards, as Gordon teaches how to combine and flow between ashi garami entries, sweeps to guard passes, and creating back exposure
  • Use no-gi specific De La Riva and Reverse De La Riva guards for the most effective systems (including the no-gi berimbolo and much more)
  • This is the same system that Gordon uses in competition to beat the best in the world again and again
  • Gordon Ryan is the reigning ADCC Absolute Champion and one of the best no-gi grapplers of all time
  • See Gordon rolling and then watch as he breaks down that footage in real-time to explain the system in action

Systematically Attacking From Open Guard Supine Position by Gordon Ryan

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  • Regular price $197.00

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Learn How Gordon “The King” Ryan Systematically Dominates The Best Grapplers In The World With Some Of Grappling’s Most Common and Effective Open Guards

  • Systematically attack from your back with this open guard gameplan from Gordon “The King” Ryan, with sweeps, back takes, and leg locks that work at the highest levels of grappling
  • Keep opponent’s off-balance as you learn all of the ways to create kuzushi and pressure from your back
  • Attack from all the possible x guards, as Gordon teaches how to combine and flow between ashi garami entries, sweeps to guard passes, and creating back exposure
  • Use no-gi specific De La Riva and Reverse De La Riva guards for the most effective systems (including the no-gi berimbolo and much more)
  • This is the same system that Gordon uses in competition to beat the best in the world again and again
  • Gordon Ryan is the reigning ADCC Absolute Champion and one of the best no-gi grapplers of all time
  • See Gordon rolling and then watch as he breaks down that footage in real-time to explain the system in action

Learn How Gordon “The King” Ryan Systematically Dominates The Best Grapplers In The World With Some Of Grappling’s Most Common and Effective Open Guards

Gordon Ryan Teaches You His Total Technical Arsenal From X Guard, De La Riva, Reverse De La Riva, & More On This New 8-Volume Series - Including Live Rolling Breakdowns!

Check out the trailer for Systematically Attacking From Open Guard Supine Position

What Will You Learn?

Create the ultimate system for attacking off your back, as Gordon “The King” Ryan teaches you his step-by-step approach to sweeping and submitting from a supine (laying down) guard. In this 8-volume series, you will learn the entire x guard, De La Riva guard, reverse De La Riva guard, and more that Gordon combines into one lethal supine open guard.

When combined with his seated guard series, this 8-volume masterclass in supine guard will show everything you need to handle talented opponents and start creating opportunities to sweep and submit them. With his signature systematic approach, Gordon explains the concepts, goals, and techniques for a supine open guard that anyone can use, regardless of athleticism or belt rank.

Gordon Ryan ADCC Champion

Create real pressure on opponents from bottom and break their balance constantly with these refined concepts for total control, even over athletic or talented opponents. Use Gordon’s genius X guard and ashi garami tactics to create opportunities to enter leg locks, create back exposure, and more (including the dilemmas and trilemmas around positions like the ashi X, ushiro X, and reverse x).

Combine these systems with Gordon’s De La Riva and reverse De La Riva, including his breakdown on how to make complex techniques like the berimbolo and crab ride useful and simple in no-gi.

Watch “The King” in action as Gordon rolls with opponents in the gym from his supine guard and then breaks down the footage in real-time so you can understand the system in action. With Gordon explaining the strategy to back up the technique, you can fully unlock this style and begin finding the true potential of your open guard.

Check out this technique:

So What Exactly Is On This Series?

Volume 1:

Introduction To Open Guard - Supine

The 4 Scenarios

Understanding The Interface Between Inside And Outside Leg Positioning 

How To Negate Movement And Goal Setting 

The Importance Of Concave Shoulders 

Basic Ashi Garami Drills 

Countering A Throw-by With An Inversion 

Basic Ashi Garami Entrance 

Basic Ashi Garami Sweep 

The Importance Of Switching Legs 

The Sweeping/Reaping Dilemma 

Switching From Irimi Ashi To Outside Ashi 

Achieving Double Trouble 

Using A Belly Down Achilles

Volume 2:

Explanation of Ashi X Versus X Guard 

Switching From Irimi Ashi To Ashi X 

Putting Hands On The Floor

Switching From Ashi X To Outside Ashi Garami 

Basic X Guard Scissor Sweep 

Advanced Scissor Sweep 

Creating Heel Exposure Off A Failed Scissor Sweep

Entering Cross Ashi From Reverse X 

Transferring From Ashi X To A Scorpion 

Basic Scorpion Sweep

Taking The Back From Scoop Scorpion 

Entering The Legs From Scoop Scorpion

Volume 3:

Countering A Successful Backstep From Ashi X 

Countering A Backstep From Full X Guard 

Recapping X Guard 

Transferring To Ushiro X 

Ushiro X Scissor Sweep 

Ushiro X Reverse Scissor Sweep 

Countering A Forward Step From Ushiro X

Cross Ashi Garami Entrance From Ushiro X 

Entering Cross Ashi Garami From Ushiro X 

Attacking The Back From Ushiro X 

Ushiro X To Crab Ride 

Ushiro X Trilemma - Back Take, Guard Pass, Leg Lock

If It All Fails, Just Heist

Volume 4:

Introduction To De La Riva 0 Tripod Sweep 

Entering Ashi Garami From Failed Tripod Sweep 

Entering Ashi Off A Completely Failed Tripod Sweep 

De La Riva Knee Bump Ashi Entry 

Opponent Counters Knee Bump Switch To Far Leg X Guard 

Entering Various Forms Of Ashi with Legs Inside 

Entering 50/50 From De La Riva

Volume 5:

Introduction To The No Gi Berimbolo 

Berimbolo Cross Body Ride Entrance

Forcing Upper Back Exposure

Leg Dragging From Berimbolo 

Failed Leg Drag Entering The Legs 

Entering The Legs While Inverted 

Understanding Counters To The Float Pass

Volume 6:

Introduction To Reverse De La Riva 

Reverse Tripod Sweep 

Failed Tripod Enter The Legs

Failed Reverse Tripod Switch To Outside De La Riva 

Single Leg Entry From Reverse De La Riva

Ashi Garami Entrances From Reverse De La Riva 

Reverse De La Riva Full Inversions

2 On 1 Knee Lever 

The Interface Between De La Riva And Reverse De La Riva


Volume 7:






Volume 8:

Rolling Commentary - Placido 0

Rolling Commentary - Jack 

Rolling Commentary - Drew 

Rolling Commentary - Alex 

Rolling Commentary - Shawn

So What Does It All Cost?
